What is Craniosynostosis?

A little drawing I came up with thinking of Zo-Bo coming up to a year post op 💜

What is Craniosynostosis?

Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which one or more of the sutures in a baby’s skull has fused to early. Baby’s skulls have seven bones. Joints called cranial sutures, made of strong, fibrous tissue, hold these bones together. In the front of babies skulls, the sutures intersect in the large soft spot (fontanel) on the top of the head. Normally, the sutures remain flexible, giving the brain time to grow until the bones fuse at around 2 years old.
Treatment for Craniosynostosis varies however the most common and most effective treatment is Cranial Vault Remodel. This surgery involves opening the head using a zig zag incision from ear to ear, removing the skull bones, cutting and reshaping them into the desired shape and put back with plates and screws to give the brain room to grow properly.
If untreated, the fused skull can cause increased intracranial pressure which can result in the following: • Developmental delays • Cognitive impairment • No energy or interest (lethargy) • Blindness • Eye movement disorders • Seizures • Death, in rare instances.
There are different types and severities of Craniosynostosis. Sagittal Craniosynostosis, results in a head shape called scaphocephaly and is the most common type of Craniosynostosis.
Premature fusion of the sagittal suture that runs from the front to the back at the top of the skull forces the head to grow long and narrow.
Zoey was born with a very severe case of Sagittal Craniosynostosis.
She underwent CVR surgery at 6.5 months old. They could see from her CT scan that her brain was being squashed but when they opened up her head it was even more severe than they first thought and they were very pleased they did surgery when they did and she would have been symptomatic in a few months. Sometimes with Sagittal they only reshape the back of the head but because Zoey was so severe she had to have her whole head reshaped. •
Craniosynostosis is something that breaks baby’s heads and breaks parent’s hearts. Zoey and I are healing together 💔💜 •
#craniosynostosisawareness #craniomama #craniosynostosis#craniowarrior #healingtogether #honestmothering

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